Just when humanity thought the Monsters had vanished, they return with a vengeance.
The mystery is... why?
If you love spy and heist capers, this new installment in THE BESTIARY CHRONICLES is for you, with art created using advanced Artificial Intelligence processes.
It's Christmas 1967, but as a small town celebrates the Holidays, 19 year old Tommy Lee Wilson is preparing to engage the enemy in Vietnam...
Inspired by the documentary "Dear America: Letters from Vietnam", this later installment in THE BESTIARY CHRONICLES continues to explore a world overrun by Monsters, with art assist by Artificial Intelligence system, Midjourney.
Deep underground, the last remnants of humanity gather to learn about the monsters that have destroyed their planet.
A dystopian tale from a post-apocalyptic civilization that expands the storyworld in SUMMER ISLAND and EXODUS. Leaning on the tropes of VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED, and THX 1138, this dark science fiction tale unfolds using imagery generated by Midjourney AI.
A photojournalist on assignment in a remote Scottish village discovers the townsfolk are harboring a dark secret.
A folk-horror comic in the tradition of Midsommar and The Wicker Man, this 40-page debut comic by Campfire Creative Director Steve Coulson features stunning artwork generated entirely by Artificial Intelligence.
Collecting the first three stories (EXODUS, SUMMER ISLAND and THE LESSON) this graphic novel explores a world overrun by monsters in 114 stunning pages of AI-assisted artwork.